I had heard of Mr. Baraka, and seen him on television, but I really didn't know much about him, so I Googled him and gathered up some links.
Amiri Baraka
LeRoi Jones (The Beat Page)
Amiri Baraka (Pegasos Books & Writers)
Amiri Baraka (Wikipedia)
Mr. Baraka's website: amiribaraka.com
These are some books by and about Amiri Baraka:
The Leroi Jones/Amiri Baraka Reader
A Nation Within a Nation: Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
and Black Power Politics
Transbluesency: The Selected Poetry of Amiri Baraka/Leroi Jones (1961-1995)
Blues People : Negro Music in White America
Listen to an audio clip of his poem, The Academic Cowards of Deception (2001).