Tuesday, April 12, 2005

From Book To Screen: The COLOR PURPLE

In addition to other books and writers, I'll be paying particular attention to books that have been made into films. Though some are done better than others, it's always interesting to see how screenwriters adapt books to fit the silver screen. There have been so many cinematic adaptations of books, it's hard to know which one to look at first.

Color Purple

The first book to pop into my head was The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Who can forget the scene where Celie finally reunites with her sister, Nettie (Kleenex anyone?), or when Sophia confronts Celie about telling Harpo to beat her? (Did Oprah work that or what?)

It's been over 20 years since this small, but powerful, book was published (1983), and 2005 marks the 20th anniversary of the film's release. For this reason, and others, I figured it would be great to give them both another look.

I saw the movie again only a few months ago, but it's been about 10 years (if not longer) since I read the book, so I'll be reading it once more as well. I'll probably watch the film again too, just because. In my humble opinion, everyone attached to that film should have gotten an Oscar. They wuz robbed!

Check for related links to this and all featured books/films in the sidebar, and a link to the CliffsNotes site below for a comprehensive overview of the book:

CliffsNotes: The COLOR PURPLE

1 comment:

Lorianne said...

Hmmmm, I *love* TCP: loved the book, loved the movie, loved the soundtrack. You're 100% on target about the Kleenex, though: I've seen the film countless times, and I cry myself silly *every time*! (And I've even shown it to my college comp students and cried IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!)

Although the film takes certain liberties with the book (as all Hollywood films do!), I think it did a great job of remaining true to the spirit of the book. They complement each other well.